Assessing the Spectrum of Abilities

Psychological Evaluation Information

Understanding Psychological Evaluations

What is a psychological evaluation?

A psychological evaluation involves testing an individual’s cognitive, academic, social, and behavioral skills and then examining how these abilities affect their performance. The evaluation involves a clinical interview to obtain a detailed family, medical, social, and educational history, a review of school and medical records, and a comprehensive battery of tests. The tests administered will focus on the different factors that may be impacting his/her performance.

Reasons to consider a psychological evaluation

  • Your child is not achieving his/her full academic potential. For example, his/her grades do not reflect the effort they are putting forth or his/her grades suddenly decline.

  • Your child is experiencing extreme difficulty learning or mastering any specific skill set such as: reading, writing, math, social skills, or expected behavior.

  • School reports indicate below grade level performance or assessment results.

  • Your child is exhibiting challenging behaviors at home and/or at school.

  • Your child is having difficulty engaging with peers at school.

Our evaluation process

Step 1: Contact us

Contact us using the secure contact form or call us at 860-698-0741. We will respond to you as soon as possible and will schedule a time to have a brief phone consultation to discuss whether our services are appropriate.

Step 2: Pre-evaluation questionnaire

After the brief phone conversation, we will send you a detailed questionnaire to complete regarding the individual who will be evaluated. We ask that you fill this form out and also include any previous psychological evaluations, relevant doctors notes or reports, and relevant school reports.

Step 3: Setting up a time for the evaluation

After we have received all the information, a determination will be made regarding what tests are appropriate and necessary for your child. We will then develop a contract, which includes the price of the evaluation and payment schedule. Upon acceptance of the contract, we will schedule a testing appointment.

Step 4: Conducting the testing

If your child is under 18 years of age, you will need to accompany him/her to the appointment. You will not be in the testing room during the session, but are required to be on the premises. Educational Testing and Consulting, P.C. will contact you 24 hours prior to the testing. The evaluation will be conducted at the agreed upon time. Please note testing can take several hours. as the length of the testing session varies for each individual. At the conclusion of testing, Dr. Gelbar will speak with the parents or guardians to discuss next steps and timelines.

Step 5: Follow-up phone call

Once all of the testing activities are completed, the evaluation report will be ready approximately 1-2 weeks later. You will receive an electronic (PDF) copy of the report via a secure e-mail. Once you have had a chance to review the report, Dr. Gelbar will schedule a phone call with you to discuss the results and review any outstanding questions you have.